强化生活方式干预可以停滞性或延缓2型糖尿病的其发展。;也爱国运动在增加身体和区域内油脂方面是必需的,但对于肥胖和久坐的的人可能是不可行的。为了评估好斗的体力活动,唯如重建密宗和牵伸对油脂产于的影响,来自美国加利福尼亚大学的Maria G Araneta系主任及其团队进行了一项分析,该分析见到重建密宗对身体肥胖和近视的增加和停滞增加是必需的,但对于脾脏油脂面积无效。
Intensive lifestyle interventions he prevented or delayed type 2 diabetes. Aerobic exercise is effective in overall and regional fat weight loss but might not be feasible for obese sedentary s. The effects of gentle physical activity such as restorative yoga and stretching on fat distribution has not been evaluated.
We conducted a 48-week randomized trial comparing restorative yoga vs. active stretching in overweight s (ages 21-65 years) with the metabolic syndrome (IDF criteria). Participants were underactive (
Among the 171 randomized participants mean age was 55 and mean BMI was 34 kg/m2. Overall adiposity weight and subcutaneous fat decreased significantly after 6 and 12 months in the yoga group whereas weight decreased only at 6 months in the stretching group (Table). Subcutaneous fat decreased significantly in the yoga vs. stretching group after 6 and 12 months but visceral fat did not change in either group.
Restorative yoga was effective in reducing and sustaining reduction in overall adiposity and waist girth but not in visceral fat area.
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